Friday, July 29, 2011

the nation will see the change

The ballot boxes will decide
The fate of the government leaders
There is no better way
The people must cast it
For the future our nation
It's in our hands

They spin their stories
When there is no case for arrest
It is just they wanted to muscle in
The fear and intimidation
It has long gone the people understood
Only the government leaders never listen

The agencies they used
Popping up their power base
Though it is for a while
The ballot boxes will decide
Where the future they lie?
They know the word “Exit”

The 13 drumbeats in the distance
The sound of marching for change
The government leaders and cronies
They want to make as much gains as possible
In the wake of their own blunders

The nation will see the change
The writing up and talking of it
The change will come into force
The way the people will it to come

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