Wednesday, June 13, 2012

the people must know

The people must know

Don't let Bee Anne fool you

For so long these leaders do

They take most of it

What do the people have?

Slogans and some crumbs

The majority of wealth

On projects go to direct connections

They say they have the experience

You can be the better judge

They allegedly swallow up the wealth

Through direct connections and linked enterprises

The people must know

Don't fall for the similar tactics

Wake up to all the takings

When Bersih arrived, water cannons and acid rain

The civil society wants a fair distribution

To the people who are part of the nation

Yet a crown prince sang a different tune

He should study his backyard of his history

The people must know

Don't let the power cowed you down

They can't do it to you

If you exert your rights

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