Monday, December 22, 2014

it's no use building walls

The work of our forefathers
Hammered out our Constitution
They gave us the standard values
Bridging the give and take attitude

Now we have the extremists and bigots
Wokking up their hot menus
Stir-frying in the open woks
The smoke of racism hitting the road

They will ignore the Constitution
Branding the race and religion
Occasionally bringing in the royalty
They simply forget the truth

Now Putrajaya is sleeping
The farm out boys make the noises
The blues gang will not make any move
The moderates stand up for the Constitution

The cauldron of boiling soup
The mixture of ingredients stirring
It will feed the many races sharing the loads
The nation needs to push forward

We have to watch
The Talibanism infiltrating in the systems
Though there seems to be crawling into it
For Putrajaya is still sleeping

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