Sunday, March 27, 2016

life isn't a straight road

The way of life
There is always no straight road
There will be bumpy rides
The bad stabbers; the gossipers
The charater assassinations
The good friends turn foes for money
Maybe positions in corporate world
The friends and their values
Don't turn into blind eyes

There will be trials and tribulations
It will harden our souls to make it better
Of course it isn't easy when the road is bad
The potholes; the sinking rides and the damages
We can get angry and shout it out loud
The end of the day we have to move on
We shouldn't allow bad memory embitters us
We will never see the good of our lives
We will live in bitterness of the unfair treatment
By right we should remember and move on

We have our hurtful memories
Like Anwar Ibrahim but he has accepted it
He forgives them and he moves on
Though still serving his time in prison
For a charge rings with many potholes

We have to move on
The struggles of life as we know it
It will not be a straight line
There will be obstacles and sadness
There too will be joy and happiness
For we have a chance to live and play
Enjoy the fruits of our labour and love

Let love shine through our lives
This is the way to enrich our souls
Forgive and move on and enjoy it
The lives we have forget about bitterness
Let love sing it is so much easier

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