Saturday, September 30, 2017

don't let the devil take your soul

The extremists fly
On a brand they wish to try
They believe they are clean
While others they blame
For the unholiness

The falsehood in their minds
They don't see the black spots in their eyes
They think they aren't marked at all
If only they really see and know the scriptures
They will cry when they fall into the lake of fire

They forget we are children of God
Living on Mother Earth to learn the good and bad
Recording it in our memories for we will return
We have to tell our stories what we have done
It isn't a free ride but to earn our credits in lives

But the extremists
The Devil takes them
Once they have fallen
It's a crying shame
For Mother Earth has beauty
The colorful people; cultures and belief
It's good to share and learn and live in joy and peace

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