Friday, September 15, 2017

will we ever learn from our tragedies?

Why don't the authorities learn?
The years of fires taking lives
Why don't the people learn?
The years of free advice

The tragedy of lives
Burned to death in blocked exit doors
The stair case no free flow
There are no fire proofing doors

It is time to have exit staircase
On buildings less than 5 storey high
In this way there will be a fire escape route
Lives can be saved!

The recent lost of lives
The children and teachers in a shopping lot
There was no escape route
Death staring at their eyes

Now the authorities want to check
Every time when tragedy strikes
After a while it will be back to routine
Nothing will be said until the next tragedy

It is time for change
Let a new party get it done
The old wooden logs must be replace
Let new ideas come into the working place

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