Monday, September 18, 2017

it's time for a new page

Wake up people
Don't fall for the lies
The dominant party will say
As long as its leaders can cling to power
They will say anything for their own benefits
Leaving us holding the straws of debts in our hands

We have to read year in year out
The Auditor General's Report to know why
No minister will be held accountable
Even the lower ranks know it too

We have been told countless times
How our tax monies are gone to waste
Until there is no way out but to increase taxes
Cut away the subsidies causing goods to jump up

And who will hold the straws of debts?
The taxpayers will have to honor it
It's a disgrace letting bad managers escape
It seems they have different set of laws

Let GE14 be the clarion call
Let the change come for us all
The cycle has completed its run
It's time for a new dawn and a new page

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