Thursday, October 12, 2017

life isn't a straight line!

Why people want to commit suicide?
By taking this painful death everything will be fine?
Life has its ups and downs every time
Life isn't a straight line!

By taking own life
There is no key to enter the next level
A person will live in a stray
Hoping there is a reprieve

Choosing this way to leave the world
It brings more pain to friends and relatives
They will think they aren't worth your friendship
They will think as relatives they are kept out of the loop

All problems have answers
It may not come today
It may jump up tomorrow
Patience holds the balance

Sometimes it is even good
To talk to strangers about life's problems
You may not know the person
He may give you a good advice

Death by suicide
Hades will teach a lesson
A person will not live in peace
The cry of pain ringing in the air

Go read the scriptures
It will soothe the soul
There will be a way
When everything fails

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