Friday, January 26, 2018

the stray cats

The Indian family
Living two streets away
They use to feed the stray cats
On the pillars of the gate

The stray cats will have a good time
Munching food without fear or favor
While the stray dogs will look in envy
Hoping to get the same treatment

Quite a while I don't walk there
Today I do and I am surprise to see
They have shifted maybe tenancy is up
The whole house is empty and quiet

Now the stray cats have to hunt for food
Maybe the Chinese will throw food at the back lane
The stray cats can hang around for the crumbs
At least the cats can survive on a daily run

The day of the stray cats
It is a hard life to live and run
Everyday the cats have to hunt for food
Behind the back lanes or rubbish bins

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