Tuesday, March 06, 2018

the meowing

The sampah male cat
He is calling out loud for days
Bringing in the noises
Sometimes he wants to fight

Normally he will run
Seeing Indian people
Sometimes he will flee
Hearing the revving of vehicles

Now it is his turn
Meowing like a mad cat
He runs so far away
I can hear its faint loud call

Mind you he will forget about his meal
His mind is full of searching the female cats
He is looking for his mate....
Yet for days he keeps his meowing loudly

While the Persian male cat stares at him
He thinks the sampah male cat is crazy
Crowing loudly even in heavy rain
He hopes he doesn't get into the wagon

The female cats at the back lanes
They ignore him let him cry his needs
Just like our politicians and cronies
Hitting us with fake news but isn't lies!

The sampah male cat is off his territory
He is hiding somewhere far away
Occasionally hear his loud high pitch meowing
His needs aren't fulfilled but disturbed the silence

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