Monday, June 03, 2019

Pangkor Island duty free 2020

Pangkor Island
A free duty island in 2020
But are the islanders geared up to it?
Many are still asking

Pangkor Island doesn’t need 5 stars hotels
The island needs affordable and clean budget motels
Do not build hotels, restaurants or complexes
Near the beaches and it will spoil the natural beauty

The state government should consider building a bridge
From the mainland to the island to boost tourist population
It can also attract the local tourists driving to the island
It will improve the profile of Pangkor Island indeed!

Pangkor Island has its natural beauty
The tourism industry in the state should highlight it
Allocate certain budget to boost the island
Let the local islanders shoulder the drive on tourism

Do not commercialize the island
It will lose its natural beauty
Plan in large scale on eco-tourism
Let Pangkor be the sporting and recreation island

But are the islanders gearing up for it?
They are the ambassadors for the state and nation
The island folks must be trained and informed
There shouldn’t be any half -measured work

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