Friday, May 13, 2005

other crazy thoughts

In today Star it was reported that a group of teenagers (boys and girls) bashed another girl because they said she behaved arrogant! In Singapore where I had suspected all along that the people need an outlet to blow off their frustrations, loneliness, lovesickness, employment blues etc. A country where every one must toe the lines - the party itself and the laws - each citizen must embrace the gifts of the present government. There shouldnt be any disagreementt in the establishment. So now you can imagine the pent up frustrations right through the young minds. In Malaysia you can find gangsterism in schools, drug pushers, bullies and exhortionists. What really has gone wrong in our young?

Education and religion....and pressures to excel in schools.

In the same newspaper about 56% below 35 years old are stressful in jobs and studies. The softies they have become. So I guess the crime rates will go up....The mind can't control the dilemma face by these young adults. The disease of the modern world or society itself

Religion is always a sensitive issue. Every faith always get boil up whenever someone tries to discuss the interfaith dialogue. The 'love thy neighbour' always goes away in the course of the opening up statement. The Jews hate the Christ -ians, the Christ- ians never like the Muslims and the Muslims say these people never know their scriptures. The Holy Quran is the final book for these people - Jews, Christ-ians and Muslims. They come from the same source and family tree. Abraham(pbuh) is the one who built the Kaabah..the 1 God 1 religion theme. Yet the Jews and Christ-ians think otherwise. So you see the implications of the scene. The Holy Quran is the amalgation of the Torah and Holy Bible as it is written for these people. Jesus(pbuh) told the truth that he had to die before Muhammad could come. Jesus preached of 1 God 1 religion. He didnt talk about the Trinity- God - The Son - Holy Spirit!!! Salvation is knowing the truth!! God is one forever He is!! And He has one religion for mankind. Not so many floating in our times.

By the time it spreads to the nations every meaning changes to suit the time. Even the Sabbath holds differently for the people of the faith. Torah on Saturday, Christ-ians on Sunday and Muslims on Friday. This is the day God rested after He made His world. A time for meditation and renewal of sight and soul...But then if you read the book on 'Footprints of the gods' you may think our lives have no meaning in the end! Every 5,000 years he destroys what He had made!
In Malachi it is prophesied about the present Pope and the final one to replace him. Then the end is complete. Lucifer will take control of the Church together with the rising union of nations in Europe to control the World. The one year of sufferings and turmoil the nations have to go through then Jesus will descend from Heavens to administer his unfinished work. Remember he had 3 years before he went away Muhammad had 23 years before he died at aged 63 years old

After that it starts all over again?! As the chapters on Footprints of the gods seemed to tell the story. Many objects left behind couldnt be achieved by the people then. It was through another race lost without trace...

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