Thursday, May 05, 2005

the previous rumblings story

The state chief minister in the row of exchanges..about corruption in his administration. Yep...many reports done in the police station but nothing happen. The people are getting angry with the process of leg dragging to get a state chief minister. Now the media reported about land grabbing by a Datuk and his family during the title transfered of land. The 9 parcels of land went to this Datuk and his family and the Land Office didnt know......? It really smells of corruption!!!! No check on the background of these people??? What really happened? The people wanted to know...Any government elected is to help the state to prosper and the people live in harmony with wealth distribution fairly...No...these elected officials want something else. The people, 5 years later, then tell them a different story...

And after some headaches the PM wanted to change his cabinet members...It was rumored that it could happen soon. The current cabinet ministers should change. The present group some of them have served their times and some of them are rumoured to gain wealth easily....Time to shift posts for a better world to the people. And tackle the corrupted officials seriously....PM used to talk and talk but nothing really happened in my country...

And you believe it...a minister called MPs stupid!!! This was in debate in Parliament...Even stupid people have ideas that learned people never know about..The cabinet ministers had spent hundred of millions in projects in developments yet it made more problems than solving who is stupid???

Today I found the town council officers put big dustbins in the park where people use to sit and relax...Just imagine the smell of shit in that big the park!!!! Who that stupid?!! Even the workers understood the problem but not the so called council officers...They should sit and do their work in the park than in the air-conditioned smell it while doing their work!! The workers stupid??!!
During the last election many promises were made. Every word spelt a decisive journey for the country and every voter voted in the government. Now a year had passed. Most words remain passwords to the mind of the citizenry. Nothing really has been done to alleviate the rampant woes of the country especially corruption, talking of one race benefits, intolerance, one sided benefits for a race...scared to use English to compete the world and what others scared mentality in store for the country. On one hand we recognize English is the world language even in IT yet we enforced one language policy in our education system thereby neglecting the globalization at our doors. So now we know why graduates can't find jobs. Choosy? I believe employers dont employ them because they can't speak good English...

And I am tired of my PM words....It has become a laughing stock to me. Every word now seems shallow to me. I dont see any decisive action taken against corruption and red tapes in the government departments. Shortage of is a very lame excuse. Many charters drawn up in the departments. Yet the services provided are the slow coach of 19th century..We are in 21st century for crying out loud!!!! what did my PM do? Increase pay for the cabinet ministers!!!

And the worst scene....wanted to take action against e-newspaper for April Fool joke....The government has important things to do like those corruption cases pending some in 1992....Why single a newspaper portal for investigation?? I just can't understand their mentality..Money they want criticisms they want to take legal action. Next time I vote for the opposition!!

What about the many police reports made by the opposition parties on corruption and abuse of power by the political bigwigs? Years and years yet nothing has been done. Wake up people!!!

Suddenly the ministers seem quiet.....

Politics is really a dirty business. You can get yourself involved but make sure to watch your back! There are parasites who wait to dump you off. Because politicsis a dirty game. No rules to draw the line. You want to be the leader take down your enemies or the parasites. Burn them to hell! So you are surrounded with best people you want to hang around. Shit face and money face!! When you are the top dog everyone will smell your shit and say Yes Sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So now I hear about the 'Towering Malays' Nothing is said about 'Towering A Country' Where is the country going to go? The terrorists? The religious fanatics or what? One policy shifting to another; leading my hands to the food, and I think you can get to the 'Tower something' when you arrive? is the mindset that playing the games. Eventually we lose the ball and so what happen? Blame the government of the happened we are taking shots at the Education System in the country All rich families send their children to study overseas...saying the Education System in the country is not good at all for their children....But these same people will tell the poorer folks that our Education System is one of the best in the world...How ironic one could get! The PM and his Cabinets did the same thing too....Why so third class mentality? When we have first class facilities make sure everyone enjoys it...

Corruption is still rampant in the system. How many more years we will listen before we see the light? The government is still protecting the cronies through public fundings.

The government should change its mindset too. Too much talking not enough action to tackle the problem. They do all the red tapes. To me it is simple thing to do...Change the system Overhaul the mind!!

And we have two chief ministers who dare not own up to what have happened in their dealings. Talking about helping the people....The mystery ways events are unfolding....

A Muslim State passed a state regulation for the dressing codes for Muslim and Non-Muslim. It is too much that the over zealot Muslim party governing the state. History has shown that one can't throw something at someone when no one wants to accept it. You can't force a person to eat if he doesnt want to. The Federal Constitution guards the right of the individual yet the Muslim government tends to forget. It is a shame really when the world has taken steps to isolate the Muslims and their antics. We have seen the fanatics handled the administration of a country..Here in my country a Muslim State government is trying to repeat what had gone wrong with Taliban administration...There were some political comments on it but the PM is silent...It has encroached the freedom of an individual as protected in the Federal Constitution.The state cabinet ministers given luxurious bungalows to stay with a club house worth 21million. Why?
They dont need this type of bungalows..After so much criticisms, the chief minister said it is for the senior state officials. Again why spent millions???The whole state executive councillors and chief minister should be removed from office. They are suppose to take care of the rakyat not to live in luxury for themselves.

My country a band of nuts. At one time I had the religious officers raiding a discotheque frequently by the Muslims. To them this is not the place for Muslims to meet or enjoy a good time. These people forget about the meaning of Islam.....Before this act can be solved, another one cropped up by the greedy housing developers raping the virgin forests as if it is approved by the state government. The state government never mentioned who are these developers - about 35 of them. Apparently the chief minister sided these developers...PM just couldnt believe it so he took a helicopter ride to see for himself...I think he should ask the chief minister to resign...He shouldnt allow the rape of the forestsSustaining life is important for a country's economy. When everthing is destroyed in the name of developments then I think something is painfully wrong in the country's management. Every time something is given a wide coverage in the newspapers then the concerned officials start doing their jobs. Yet they never want to own up. Passing the buck is the norm in the administration. There are many good values spoken of in the elections but implementation is still weak...So I guess the weakness will be there. And someone will try to cover it up as always. Another thing I read a report about the Filipinoes taking up my country citizenship How??

The Muslim faith can only discuss on Muslim laws (?) and the ways of Islam and the implications to the Muslims. I think one shouldnt be afraid to digest on the views given by other faiths in the World. Every religion is interlinked to the Holy Father. It is only the protector of each faith that would decide which one has the authority to discuss about one's religion. It is really a narrow minded discourse to man. This is what Lucifer wanted it to happen. It has happened!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Lucifer thundered in his cell.

The Americans had got rid of the Taliban in Afghanistan with their narrow minded interpretations of the Islam which is peace to all mankind yet the Muslims screwed into their own benefits and called the rest infidels. So the modern warfare still fights like the earliest time of Prophet Muhammad..I think the Muslims miss the point of the prophets ' love thy neighbors as your own' Then I feel peace can take hold in our hearts not the hypocrites in our midst camouflaged as the religious lords be it Muslim or Chritstian or Buddhist or Hindus or whatever....

The narrow interpretation of the Islamic laws which conflict the freedom of speech and religion will one day tantamount to anarchy for the country. People want their choices to say and not push through their throats by the people who profess to have the knowledge on Holy Quran. They forget they are humans too and their minds are not pure and simple and they too commit sins..

This is what happening in my country. The religious officers raided places deemed sinful to them. They lectured on the wayward Muslims through their rote advices. Do they understand it? Islam is peace. Yet they arent showing that they are a peaceful group of officers to listen and advice in a manner condusive to their job as religious officers. So they are no different than the Taliban religious zealots though they didnt agree what had happened in Afghanistan then.

Islam is peace so when one follows it everything will be paradise!

Rape drug on the cruise. Yep...the modern living..where everyone wants freedon of choice and freedom of interaction. Friends and acquaintances meet in coffee shops, restaurants, discos and night clubs or social clubs...everyone wants to be linked into a social hub so that life wouldnt be lonely..right?True..we need human interactions to drain the boredom away. Fly away to the nest! Meeting in such places become a norm. Where else but these places....And the mind works differently as evil always says 'You belong to me no one can take you away'

So in discos and night clubs with loud music blasting away; everyone getting pretty high, they dont think about evil because they dont see it; everyone let loose and get high, maybe on the dance floor and or drinking and getting drunk...only the evil mind stays awake...waiting for the killing to begin..
See you dont know the mind. Pop a tablet into the drinks enjoying the party and screaming with pleasure...When the effect takes place your mind blows to pieces..You dont know where is reality where is the truth..You just give a piece of yourself away..How many? Shameful? Hard to say!!

A few days ago the JAWI officials raided a night spot in the city. Divided the patrons into two groups -one for non-muslims and one for muslims which for the muslims into one for male and one for female
The officials by right should be polite and explain their work..NO...they got abusive and aggressive and showing their powers and authority too. When they rounded the muslims- male and females- they put them in locked up for 10 hours. The females were asked to parade in front of the officers. These male officials ogled them and took pictures too on the scantily dressed women..They are the officers of the right they should know the Quran by heart and know what to do. They go against the Holy Quran...they called themselves the officers of the religion..EVen it was reported that a woman wanted to pee they refused her to do it. The poor girl had to pee in front of everyone!!!

So you see when you give power to some people; they never know how to use it. School in religious text yet they fail to carry out their job. Sad isnt it? They forget they are humans; they arent Gods for God's sake!!!Aids still pour in for the tsunami disaster funds. Most of the relief workers had gone to help. Some gone home for rest. Others asked for fundings to help these disaster victims. The deatht toll had jumped to 220,000 Really it was a stupid thing to pay in lives. Mother nature got angry with her children who never know how to sustain the love of Mother nature. Do we learn ourselves? More are coming to wake us up....Storms, fires, earth quakes, changing many yet we dont seem to learn through the calamities striking down on us...Are we deaf or what???

The La Palma in Africa continent is touted as the mega tsunami for this century!! The rock formation is tumbling slowly down. The water fissures in the rocks is waiting to explode..Yet the signs are there for us to see. The many small volcanoes eruptions on the surface...the scientists couldnt predict when and they have to wait for it to happen.

The estimated height is 450 meter hitting the shore. It can spread to over 1000km from its base. You can imagine the impact on the continents....especially USA!!! The tidal waves rocking the beach and the hinterland flooded with ocean water...It is not yet the great flood of Noah's time..It is just a warning of the many come our way...

God says he needs only one pious person amongst the then will be saved. Do we have one person who walk with God???
Trust the Lord.He is the One who decides the Heavens and Earth and the surrounding areas of the galaxy..
I still find durians along the street. I thought the durian season is over. Maybe these village people have learned to plant it for all seasons. could be. But I havent tried it. The demand is high price tooo00 hit the ceiling when supply is limited. I am not that crazy about the king of fruit Or I heard somebody said the king lost his shine??????? There are so many varieties that I couldnt know...

Now there is less news on tsunami....the death toll stood at around 163,000 people died. Bandar Aceh in Indonesia is the worst hit town. Majority of the death came from there. In my country it stood at 68 the marine police found one floating in the sea sometime last week...Well.....aids still pouring in by the people.....yet I read the political situations made the process of helping looked longer to handle. So we never learn in tragedy....greed and power rule the day again!!!!

Now in my country dengue fever attacking the Northern States and parts of the city and the surrounding states. People still walk as usual and health officials take their own sweet time to crack the whip.....well...another tsunami hit the country....then the ball starts rolling on and on....Now the officials are sleeping on their jobs..It will happen at the rate the work is carried out...

When major tragedies happen, many answers and solutions flow from these people. And the government comes in to state what need to do...It is the same old story begun so many decades ago yet it is used to repeat all over again (case the electricity board)

The people is the power base yet the power rested on the handful who runs the government; the people get fooled again another time in the election....I rest my case!!!!!

Tomorrow is Hari Raya Haji...I hope these people think what they need to sacrifice to make the country stands out in the world...No more cronies no more corruption no more pulling strings

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