Thursday, September 18, 2008


The cards lay out on the table
The chips piling high to see
4 cards displaying for all
The challenger calls his opponent
Tell me what you see?

The sleeping beauty calls it bluffing
His supporters drumming on the chairs
Laughing and smiling on the cards display
It is unlikely the challenger will get a royal flush

Ever confident on his moves
The sleeping beauty calls it a mirage
Only the challenger can see it
It is just an illusion even in dreams
He lays out his cards of two pairs each
A house perhaps better than his challenger

He looks at his challenger
Now tell me what you see?
My cards on the table enough to win
You have one card the odd against it
A royal flush you must be dreaming!

We will see
When the time comes
Right now I raise my stake
Higher this time
Since you are confident of winning

Resign your post when I win
The challenger never smiles
Staring straight at his opponent
Now are you game for it?

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