Saturday, September 06, 2008


The mighty will fall
Growing too fat and greedy
When the ground swells
The leaders collapse

Ancient China of lords and emperors
Ruling the state and country with iron fisted laws
Did it last to the future?
They all died and collapsed into their own cesspool
For amongst the suffering people
Hero came to whack the mighty empire

Even Christians suffered the same fate
Punishing the innocents with their outdated views
Growing discontent amongst its members
Eventually Christianity broke up into many divisions
Will it be as strong as before?

Even Muslims too forget
Using ‘jihad’ on the wrong pretenses
Now we see the split in their ranks
The best ‘jihad’ is to oneself
This is what the Muslims must do
Do they go for it?
We have seen pictures and reports
The wrong signal betraying God trusts
Don’t swear in God’s name
He never allows it to be used…..

And political party leaders?
Forgetting the people and be humble
Time they will see the voters bury them
Taking the voters for rides
Then they get all their 3Ps
Of power, projects and prosperity
Leaving the voters getting crumbs and nothing

The history of the past
Learn its lessons in depth
Sharing wealth and wisdom
The best solution to peace and living

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