Thursday, September 25, 2008


CB025320 by linma_i.

Racial conflicts
On color one gets berserk
Black, brown, yellow and white
We share the same Earth
We breathe the same air
We all will die one way or another
Can’t we live peacefully respecting each other rights?

Foreigners we keep a distance
Dare not want to mix with them
The blacks of the African nation
They come here to learn
And see what get them?
Racial prejudices………

We want to preach racial freedom
When foreigners arrive here to learn and work
We think we are the kings treating them so differently
What have we gone wrong in our multi-racial composition?

Even in my housing area
The neighbor teaches his dog to bark at black people
Animals will not know the color…………..
Unless the dog trainer or owner teaches otherwise
So I observe the dog will bark at black color….

Racial relations start at home
It is here the foundation will be laid
Passing Race Relations Act will not solve the issue
When the foundation is weak
Nothing will stand up in the long run

We have to change
Our own thinking; our own prejudices
We can’t tell others we are different
We are the same family
Dividing only in colors
Nonetheless we are family

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