Monday, September 22, 2008


Something is brewing
Yeah the change of government
Every one is anxiously waiting
Right in the kopitiam talk

UMNO is reeling
The warlords want their chief to go
Afraid when he stays too long
Implosion will happen
UMNO will disintegrate

Pushing its president
Letting him know he has to go
Yet the people hope
He will do his last good work
Release all ISA detainees
Then he can wave his goodbyes

Anwar works his magic
Giving enough rope to appease
The government leader to take steps
To meet him to solve the impasse

Calling his bluff doesn’t solve the issue
It is better the sleeping beauty calls Parliament
Lay the cards once and for all
See who will run the show

Something is brewing
Amongst the warlords I am sure
Trying their best to find ways
Before the ground breaks

Anwar must be sure
Otherwise his creditability is ruined
For he will find it hard to establish his reputation
When the truth isn’t found its way

Something is brewing
The sky is dark the rain has fallen
The ground is wet
Will it happen?
The changing of guards on the hill

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