Saturday, December 10, 2011

the aggression 3

The Commander walks away
Deep in his thoughts as he sees her goes
The life here can be changed
If only people like her renew the change

Cronies and dogs are many
Small power small crumbs they take
They invent themselves to be powerful
They are just the small fries to think big

He never goes back
He knows the woman is watching
He walks far away passing the houses
He enters an alley then he disappears

Underneath the road
His hand-phone rings
“Commaner the army moving in
Any instruction what we must do?”

“The curfew will be imposed
Then there will be the martial law
We don't have to do anything
The barricades is ours to own

We stay in our barracks
We don't want to engage with the soldiers
They are just following orders
We watch from a distance”

Commander terminates the line
He dials to his close General
“Arrest Cow immediately
There is a breach in our last assignment”

“Commander he is your deputy
You aren't serious about it are you?”
“General he betrays our trust
Our boys were ambushed recently!”

Lt Som Som marches in
With his fellow soldiers he knocks the door
“Mr Cow Lt Som Som”
Cow opens the door

As Lt Som Som enters
He sees his commanding officer
“Good morning Major”
Morning Lt Som”

Before the major can interrupt him
“I am ordered to place you under arrest
By the order of the military council
Deputy Commander Cow is under arrest”

“What? Are you nuts Lt Som Som?”
“No major this is a direct order
Soldiers escort Cow out of this building”
“Lt Som Som you make a mistake!”

“You can take up it with the General
Or you can take it up with Commander
He orders for your arrest Cow.........”
“My President and Commander?”

Major gets up and holds on to Lt Som Som
“I know you have orders to arrest him
Maybe it is wrong Lt......”
“No major you can speak to the General”

The major watches Cow escorting away
He bends his head low trying to hide his anger
The major knows his days are numbered too
He quickly moves away and disappears

He runs to the other side
“I want to speak to special agent
There is a change of plan”
“Let him in”

“I think my plan was known
When I told you about it
You said you would capture the soldiers
Instead they were killed on the spot”

“Come come Major
You are soldier you should know
We kill without compassion
Why you come here?”

“My deputy Commander had been arrested
Apparently my Commander knows what's happening
I want to get out as soon as possible
I don't fancy staying back to face the gallows”

“Major you should go back
You are protected by my regime
You have nothing to worry
They don't arrest you”

Lt Som Som watching the building
He knows what to find...............
His watch for many nights pay off
He sees his Major walks out from the enemy's building

When the Major reaches on his side
“How could you destroy your own soldiers Major?”
“Lt Som what a surprise!”
“No you aren't but me”

The major wants to draw his gun
Lt Som Som is quicker and faster
He shoot shim on his head
He died instantly on the back alley

Lt Som leaves the scene
He doesn't need to clean it up
Let the dogs and cats take his meat
A traitor in the organization

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