Friday, June 01, 2012

friends of long ago

When they were young

They never knew how life would be

They went on as life went along

Living in the small world

They never knew how they would fare

When future wasn't in their vocabulary

The years passed

Aged arrived school and graduation

The world now seemed as blurry as before

Now they had to make a living

Others went separate ways

Searching for their pots of gold

Years passed on

Others graduated from universities

In the city they stayed

In overseas they made their homes

The years of the young playing around

in the small town they ventured beyond

When Facebook came

The world from afar became near

The friends of the younger years

They managed to link

In a click they connected

The years gone seemed like yesterday

Imagine the decades gone

Into the world of once never knew

Now the friends seemed grown and wiser

Living the world with own families to tag along

We can never know about the future

We have to go and take it as it comes

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