Tuesday, October 16, 2012

every one knocking

Every one knocking
At the heaven's door
They pray the world stay
For them to live and enjoy

Many don't know
They don't believe
They still do business
They still cheat and lies

Every one knocking
At the heaven's door
They pray the world stay
For them to live and enjoy

The world is carrying
Too many people
It has become a heavy load
When they forget to trim it down

The stomping hard on the ground
The wars and destructions on her soil
The chemical pollution destroying nature
The air and water we inhale and drink

The ozone layer is spreading wide
The radiation will come to take pot shots
The world is crying for help
Where are we running for wealth and status?

Every one knocking
At the heaven's door
They pray the world stay
For them to live and enjoy

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