Friday, August 29, 2014

the games we play

The rats whisper
In their little holes
What are the cats talking?
Something about us?”

The older rat wakes up
What are the noises?
You guys let me sleep ok?”
Sorry ancient one”

Ancient one, a question?
What are the cats whispering
Do you know with your experience?”
Hah! It's always power and claws!”

We are the pawns
We are the meat
Giving them the energy
And playing their dirty games

It's a sad world
We live in the holes
The cats stayed in mansions
The comfort of power

But we will have our turn
When the cats are gone
We can occupy the empty slot
Only patience we will win!”

You are dreaming old rat
The cats will not leave the mansion”
Do you hear of the cat eaters?
They pay good price for them”

Really huh? You aren't lying?”
I am telling you the truth
The cats are worrying with sleepless nights
Now we have our little games”

So the cats grow fat
As the days go to them
Waiting for the moment
On somebody's dinner plate

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