Sunday, May 31, 2015

forget about brim

Brim isn't helping the poor
It is just a political move to boost a rating
How long the money will last?
Maybe a day or two helping the disadvantaged?

The tax money should be spent wisely
Giving Brim is encouraging laziness
It makes the recipients want it every year
Like a drug just shock for a day or two

The old advice of ancient times
Teach a man how to fish
It lasts him for a life's time”
Which is the way to go

The Brim payout costing over $4 billion
It is better to build homes for these people
Every year a few thousands will have homes
In this way it will help the poor

But Brim isn't for the poor
Those who are below the band wave
They will get the payout....
It isn't actually helping the disadvantaged

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