Friday, May 22, 2015

the crumbling wall

One Malaysia Development Board
You came out with guns shooting a trail
The good vibrations the throbbing guns
The smoke came the bullets spent

You stood on the ground
You smell the fresh air of money
The easy targets to acquired assets
Borrowed money paying premium

The books of accounts
You gave it a good brush
The painting of artistic talents
Running the show of shadows

When the walls crumble
You got a shock in your life
You didn't see it coming
You forgot to put a safety net

The crumbling stones
It makes so much noise
You try to draw your guns
You find you have no bullets to fly

There is no way to help
You stare at the crumbling walls
Calling for help to block the damage
The public came to know...

The lifeline came
But at what price to pay?
The public aren't interested
They just want to know the truth

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