Friday, October 23, 2015

the sorry state of haze

In Langkawi
The haze makes it worst
Flights cancelled ferry services delayed
The thick white mist blanket it

The visibility is poor
The holiday makers losses
Of tours and flights
And time wasted and stranded

The angry faces at the airport
Staff get the heat of shouting matches
The passengers shouldn't blame
Tell it to Indonesia

In the white thick mist
There is another kind happened
A man rapes his friend's wife
Coming in to fondle then raped her

He threatens her
Later pay her $70
The woman can't handle it
She makes her police report

I remembered once
A murder in a highrise apartment
It was n't published in newspapers
It was to protect the image of the island

So we see
Haze brings problems
To the economy to our health
And the slow process to get it right

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