Thursday, October 22, 2015

will we go extinct?

The population on Earth
A whopping 7 billion people and counting
The growth never slows down
Even with minor wars, deaths, murders, accidents
We still hear the Earth crying silently
With earthquakes, floods and tsunami
And yet the population grows

With modern methods of birth control
The population should have slowed down
Apparently it has not till today
We wonder how did the ancient people did?
Those ancient times growth rate was slow
They had wars, territorial fights, heads hunting
Diseases, rapes, murders, accidents
Yet the population took a slow scale upwards

Now Earth feels the weight
With bad air, bad crops, polluted water
We wonder when our times will come?
The extinction of our race
We can't find cures for deadly diseases
We spend billions on research and whatnots
In the end what do have to fight for?
A temporary shelter against the deadly viruses

In the meantime we have the religious fanatics
Branding their own kind of religious fever
Killing those who don't agree with the idea
Planting fear of losing lives
History has returned to teach us
By using force in the end it will fail
The religious warlords never learn from history
In the end they too will be laid to the ground

Will there be a way?
God will return to see it
By correcting the bad ways
Living then will be much free
We don't have to worry

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