Sunday, April 29, 2018

learn self defence

To learn self defence
A person mustn't stick to one style
It will become easy to hit the defence
Once the weakness is expose

Many martial arts instructors
When they face the MMA fighters
They don't stand a chance to win
Watch the real fight videos

Most of them don't have sparring experience
They lack the killer's punch to finish the job
The MMA guys can move with agility throwing punches
They will find the weak points and rain on it

Even the action stars learn it
These actors will learn a few styles
So they become a better fighters
In movies or in the rings

MMA fighers are considered
The all round fighting machines
They are trained to finish the opponents
In the quickest possible time

Most of the people learn
For self defence and physical well-being
They aren't going to the rings or fights
They want to stay calm in their lives

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