Monday, June 10, 2024

hitch on a religion


Hitch on a religion

You take a ride to find

The road of bliss or otherwise

Don't sign up as you try

Don't fall into its trap

Take a wrong turn

You will cry in your sleep

As you will find you are chained

Hitch on a religion

You take a ride to find

Is it paradise or heaven?

Doing bad still get rewarded?

Don't get fooled

Trying out the ride

Read the road signs

Don't turn blind

Hitch on a religion

Don't register in “Hotel California”

Once you enter the hotel lobby

You will lose all you have

Hitch on a religion

You have your right to exist

You can't be forced to stay

Otherwise it is Lucifer game

Hitch on a religion

You take a ride to find

The road of bliss or otherwise

You have your right to exist

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