Thursday, June 20, 2024

we have to live without subsidies


We must realize

The subsidies will be gone

In our everyday living

It has to stop

This country has too many subsidies

All because the past prime ministers wanted to buy votes

Using subsidies as one of the vehicles to garner it

From the majority race to stay on power

As a result the nation coffers will slowly diminish

She doesn't have funds for developments

Because of subsidies to feed the majority of race

Leaving less funds for other purposes

Now the subsidies will be slowly gone

Everyone has to accept it and start moving ahead

Don't say it is T20 will benefit too

It is a political play by the previous administrations

The people shouldn't complain or cry

It is the truth the nation will suffer

The subsidies can't be forever

It is better to swallow the bitter pill now

Else GST will have to make a come back

It will tax through the chain of a transaction

The nation needs funds to cater for developments

The nation needs it for everyday expenses too

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