Friday, June 07, 2024

no need to bend the rule


MO1 bids for house arrest

2 months after he got his partial sentence

Now he wants to stay at home

Serving the rest of his jail time

The Pardon Board officially didn't say

Nothing was mentioned in its report

Though the people didn't agree

On the reduction of his sentence and fine

Now MO1 wants to file for judiciary review

On his bid to get his house arrest

Basing on “I say; You say; He says”

Basing on hearsay filing his affidavits

The Bar Council too jumped into the pool

Asking the court to review the Pardon Board

The grant of partial sentence and discount on fine

It isn't about questioning the King's authority

There is no law

Allowing for house arrest

MO1 basing on court judgement

A disgrace to the nation

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