Tuesday, June 11, 2024

the real hard changes


The real hard changes

It hasn't come out from the closet

It is still sitting behind the doors

Hoping to stay forever

Renaissance man hasn't walked in

He is still busy playing his Tai Chi

The soft slowly approaches of his way

Sometimes he blinks of unexpected hiccups

His time in Abim came to play

He speaks for all but implementation something else

The allocation of funds will tell his interests

The minority has to work hard to stay ahead

The real hard changes

Everyone singing a bad tune

Renaissance man plays in his closet

Afraid to listen afraid to implement

Though the soft changes grow

Climbing up for all to see

The subsidies cut saving the nation

But the grouses still persist

Corruption is the current battle

It will be hard to wipe it out

It has gone deep in the darkness

Renaissance man has his long walk

The real hard changes

Everyone hoping for it

On the current level today

It is still a long way

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