Wednesday, July 31, 2024

we are told


We are told

Renaissance man will not change

The decades he showed us

He could change

The many bridges walked

The time of black eye

The time he stayed in jail

He could change

Instead when he has power

He can't remember his suffering years

He goes to show his true color

It's only on his race and religion

He publicly declared support for Hamas

A bad move but he likes his way

Hamas is a terrorist organization

Causing much pain and sorrow to Palestinians

Back home he forgets

The suffering the people face

The economy hasn't risen to the chart

The costs of living flying high

But what does he do?

He tries to sweet talk his way

Behind it is his 2R agenda rising

We are told don't put too much faith on him

Renaissance man

Listen to the ground and NGOs

Stop listening to your advisors

They aren't walking on the ground

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