Wednesday, September 11, 2024

goodbye RPK



Had his years and time

Gave us his views

The controversial

He couldn't care less

Once he was a hero

Fighting for Anwar

In later years he changed pole

He became a zero

It became too hot

He ran way to UK

In Manchester he carried on

Attacking the current government

Some said because of his son

He changed side so his son could be free

Nobody could say the truth

Though his son was discharged

Some argued he became the hired writer

Paid well while living in Manchester

He had his contacts and his spinning news

Some were seditious yet he couldn't care

RPK passed away in UK

He got his fame for as long as he lived

He did what he thought was right

In the end it was his stories

RIP Raja Petra Kamaruddin

May the Lord God take care of you

Thank you for the memories

You had your good run to tease us all

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