Saturday, September 07, 2024

politics is a 2 way street


Politics is

A vision of progress

For the nation and people

It isn't for making police report

Politics is

2 way street

Agree at times

Disagree at certain days

It isn't using as a threat

Of playing in the game of 2R

It is called politics of immaturity

This kind shouldn't be in politics

The political differences

All playing in the game must understand the rules

In the open field they can dribble or strike or lie

While rule of law runs supreme

Using threats is for hooligans

The gangsters hiding at the back-lanes

Using force or threats to collect fines

They will be smiling until police caught them

The political hooligans

They must face the music of law

Send them to prison they will learn to regret

The painted records living it for life

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