Monday, September 09, 2024

renaissance man runs backwards


Renaissance man

The expectation is high from you

The voters gave you the mandate

You have forgotten about it

The black eye and prison cell

We thought you could have learned

You read many inspiring books

But what come along stink of old rules

You can quote your religion scriptures

But have you ever learn to follow it?

The study of your actions in the last 2 years

You seemed to have walk backwards

The party of 2R still rings loudly

This nation isn't for a race to progress

You have the mandate from all of us

Show us you are fair and equal in balancing act

You are slowly going down

The renaissance seems on hold in your eyes

Though it is a unity government

You can't just side your own race alone!

You have to study your actions

Quickly get back on track on reforms

You have 2-3 years to get it back

Else you will lose in your next election!

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