Tuesday, September 10, 2024

the friction way


The 3R

Let it stay at home

Let no politicians or extremists ring it

It has no economic progress to show

Renaissance man

Still on his own crusade

He hasn't made up his mind

The country progress or 3R?

He wants to be firmed on it

But we have seen already

He is NATO on the wolves, moos and crocodiles

The police have selective process

No minister can't say what he likes

He has to bring it up to the Cabinet to decide

Anything that happens to the people and Constitution

It needs to be pow-wow in the Cabinet

The recent highlight on “halal certification”

It has gone on the wrong direction

Let the business owners apply if interested

Bearing in mind the Constitution stands supreme

But the Renaissance man

He just wants to become a one term man

The drawbacks on his ways has caused friction

He must think of Rocket for the voters

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