Saturday, September 28, 2024

the enticement of married women


The enticement of married women

It shouldn't be wrong in the law*

It is between 2 consenting adults

What they want to do with their lives

The married life

It isn't the end of different taste

The boring routine can spell a plot

Wanting to spice up a married routine

It isn't against the Constitution

A person is free to practise

What is wrong or right?

Who is to say but God?

The man by nature

Always looking for a game

He can't hold his cup for long

His eyes will start to wondering

The Muslim men have no problem

They can marry 4 wives if they like

The society will not run an uproar

It is rooted in their religion

But common sense will tell

It is better to stick to one in life

If life is boring it is always down to intimacy

The married couples should start their dating again

Married life isn't a trophy

It needs to work and polish

Whoever forgets it

The sin of falling down

*COA ruled it is against Constitution

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