Sunday, September 15, 2024

the lap dogs for the crocodiles


The lap dogs for the crocodiles

They have the tags but no values

They can harp all they want

They want to sound they are holy

Gambling isn't the root of evil

It hasn't been its way in the beginning

It is the humans who are at fault

They fail to recognize greed

Money many will say

The root of the devil causing ills in humans

But is it the truth?

Money is an exchange to live and survive

The crocodiles trying to sound holy

But the sins they have in their minds

They forget to address in its roots

They always think of women and their needs

They don't pay attention to economy

They will have no idea how to achieve it

Kelantan is the best example

For decades Kelantan still running low

God gambles on humans

Though He knows what humans will do

He wants them to have free choices

So that He can be there as always

But crocodiles?

They want to play little gods

The sins in their lives

They dare not say or change

The lap dogs?

They should bark at themselves

Study the Constitution well

As it is they are just fire-flies

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