Monday, July 29, 2024

what goes up will come down


GPS Sarawak

Won most seats last election

The leaders can talk cocky

But they should remember

What goes up will come down

The gravity will pull it

Without notice or demand

On the ground the cry of sadness

GPS Sarawak leaders

Show manners and respect

To those who are in unity with the party

Telling the others of insignificance

It will come a time

Maybe in the next state election

GPS will be brought down to its knees

Because the mighty can fall without notice

The Blue eye and Rocket

The leaders will pursue their aim

Getting the most seats to form a new direction

Sarawak needs it to stop the corruption and greed

As it happened to the wolves

Once a mighty giant now trying hard to rise

GPS Sarawak will get into that shape

On the top it has to come down to breathe

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