Wednesday, January 17, 2007

bleeding gums link to cancer?

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Bleeding gums link to cancer? We were told that it is lack of Vitamin C and poor brushing techniques. Now this! Normally the dentist will advice to brush twice daily, floss it and gurgle it too. Eat fresh fruits and drink alot of water. Though I dont know how far this is true but it is best to take care of one's health all the time. Fresh fruits help but also enough sleep to repair tissues..which I think most of us will not find it. There are many problems besetting the sleeping patterns. Even count sheeps will not let you go to sleep. The areas are people, children, money, colleagues, relatives, in-laws, parents, brothers/sisters, friends, religion, sex and bosses too. You think you can sleep well when issuess crop up at home and in work place? I dont think so. One has to solve it then sleep can flow easily.

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