Monday, March 05, 2007

the bad guys

What is it with bad guys that women fell for it? Maybe it is the fearlessness of these guys that attracted the women. Gangsters, hooligans, Casanovas, married men, conmen, thieves and robbers....and women always fall for them. The good guys always get the crumps of the beautiful women. In my city life then I had an old friend who had many girlfriends. I asked him how he did it. He said I won't understand. Though I tried to find out from him then, he refused to tell me. So I concluded he used black magic. Because he was an old man and he wasnt handsome or good looking or a rich man but he seemed to attract pretty women..This was something I wanted to find. But I wasnt in the loop. So as years passed on I didnt know why women go for the bad guys. Even today as I watch guys with group of beautiful women I should say I envy them. Money the trick? I guess it can be the desirable chase something women crave for it which the good guys controll it. The bad guys go to the unknowns whereas the good guys always calculate and think through before the plans are executed. Maybe women want spontaneous chase without any fixed line to control. Just flow like the wind.

Like the wind the women want
Do it dont think twice
Feel the glow in the eyes
Bad guys live for the time
Ah the sweetness!
The women cry
Living in the edge of life
Feeling the pulse
Glorify in the mind
The bad guys
The chase of their lives
Every minute a bliss
Until it is taken away
The women come
Embrace it whole
Don't listen to advice
The good guys lose
In the fast changing time!
So I guess I won't understand the way the women seek. This is to me the fun part. Every change there must be a reason. Every way there is bound to see the light. It is in between which the bad guys know how to exploit - the women craze of the unknown lines....something forbidden yet it is glowing in the eyes...Ah women!

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