Monday, April 09, 2007

bloggers must register

Bloggers must register.....This is the downside of the BN government. I should think the leaders must stop whining about what bloggers say in cyberspace. Normally people will express it good or bad. There must be leeway for the rakyat to do some anger roars in space. The government of the day shouldnt be so worked up to deny this liberty to the people. This must be someone's inferior complex. The BN government will fall in this century. The changes are taking place. The rakyat has gone wary of all the catch calls. Any party which comes to rule the country will not destroy the fundamentals of the nation. The leaders should move with the aspirations of the people. Currently that I see it is the few who would try to take everything out from the people. This isnt fair to the people. The Macap by election will be won by the BN government. This is my conclusion. Then you will see the nice political speeches of the BN leaders. Let them feel the power then. When people revolt in unity, there lies the changes. See what the Thais are doing now in the country......I dont agree bloggers must register. In fact there is no reason at all. The bloggers here are well behaved people. I believe nobody wants to write something to run down the country. It is the leaders of BN....that has let power corrupts their minds. Sure they will deny it. One of the best ways is for them to declare under oath their assets in public...before and after lists...I dont think the leaders will do it sincerely....more like lip services as usual.

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