Thursday, April 26, 2007

children in Africa dying

I saw the American Idol programme on Idol gives back. And about the African people who have to suffer all kinds of diseases and lack of medical aids to help these people. Also on the American people who are displaced even after 2 years of Katrina...And the US President is spending trillions in Iraq for what purposes? To show the might of USA while her own people suffer without food and aids? This is the part of madman who doesnt help his own people but create more bloodshed in other countries. The African continents are suffering from AIDS, TB, malaria and host of other diseases. Natural disasters like draught. But the African people must do it themselves. Stop producing babies unplanned; stop the wars amongst own people; stop the greed, stop the corruption, stop looking for aids.....learn the ways of the saints and back home in my country, the BN government spend money to win election through tax payers money. The government doesnt care much about the poor people too. The government pick and choose and not to display the distribution fairly to all people. Children of own people born and bred here can't get their citizen papers whereas Indonesians can get it so easy. It tells something sulks here. Over in Ijok the BN government pours in millions to win votes. During 15 years of BN rule nothing really was done to help the town to grow. And now suddenly Ijok has money to spend and spend. I just hope Ijok people will send a clear message to BN that money doesnt win election. Sincerely help the rakyat yes..The children in Africa one dies in every 30 seconds I feel the pain and sadness

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