Monday, April 02, 2007

macam2 jadi 2

Instant cash refund for over-paid taxes. I hope this is what the government wanted to do with its delivery system. Currently the taxpayers must fill in forms and wait for refunds which take ages to happen. Base on letters to the Editors, the Income Tax DG should have known about it in the years. The previous DG said the same thing but nothing happen as far as I know. Now with this statement again I have to sleep out because I am sure somehow the delivery system will breakdown. The government shouldnt employ one race in any department. There must be a composition of the other races so that everything moves in an open and transparent manner. It applies to the private companies too. I think it is disease in our country. When the company is owned by a Malay or Chinese or Indian or whatever race, there is this tendency to employ the majority same race in the organization. For example Maybank, Bank Bumi. Public Bank, Hong Leong Bank and other private companies too. The other day I went to Taiko Properties I saw majority Chinese in the office. This is the trend. The BN government employed nearly 95% Malay in its organization. Will it help in time of crisis or public holidays? I know there will be unhappiness along the set up. It is the winner takes all.......but there are exceptions. And there is the case of the non-muslim to face the syariah court for redress when one of the partners is a muslim. The learned judges should read the Federal Constitution again. There is nothing contradictary at all. Non-muslim will seek redress in the civil court whereas muslim should take up case in the syariah court. So why make that decision which will not augur well in the country? Or is it somebody trying to make AAB looking bad?

Malaysia land of many magic

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