Thursday, February 28, 2008

deny bn the backbone

Bloggers hide behind computers
And living in a virtual world
This is BN candidate assessment
Of the savvy net people

Has he forgotten BN wanted every home a computer?
I say he should check his fact before he branded bloggers
He is living under his coconut shell
This is what I feel BN wanted the people to behave
So that BN can rule the people so easily

Wake up Malaysians
Enough of lies and deceit
Many corruptions unfair policies
One sided wealth distribution
Drained the country’s wealth

Don’t let BN takes it all
Deny BN the power base to dig for wealth
Deny BN the mouth piece to tell lies
And more lies to hide the truth
Let the opposition balances it
For us for the country

Deny BN the backbone
Let them hang thinly balancing on a tight rope
Let the people votes sound a victory
We are the bosses you work for us!

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