Sunday, February 10, 2008

the rat the king

The Earth Rat
Breathes in the warm air
At last it is my reign
I am the king!

The tiny holes
The rats poke its heads
Whiskers high smelling the good cheese
‘We are the kings
Lots of cheese’

The cats bow
‘Your graces o mighty kings
We are your servants
Spare us your humility’

‘Are you kidding us?
We should have you imprisoned
O mighty cats of the realm!
This is our rules
You shall not eat us alive!’

‘Now we have the golden rod
It is here that made the difference
Between you and us o mighty cats!
Now get out before we changed our minds
Go and play with the dogs
This is our rule; this is our night’

The rats quickly run
Into their small castles they shiver
‘Is that true?
We are kings of the year!’
p/s picture courtesy of

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