Wednesday, February 13, 2008

the rat will attack

The big family congregate
In the PJ hill they troop in
Eyes full of hope
Ears full of collection
Hearts full of desires
Of the meaty streets ahead

The head wearing his crown
Telling lies and deception
The big family smile
Nodding heads agreeing what he said

You are my collectors
Not of souls but of gold
Wealth creation I made lately
The corridors full of it

The head turns slowly
Eyes of faking fire
Mouth spinning tales
The amazing stories

‘You must fight for me
I give you the doors of wealth
Now take the hoes go out dig for it’
He smiles knowingly
Thinking about his Land of Oz
The cozy hideout he makes

The court jesters clapping hands
Hand mobiles instant calls
In a moment the machines roll
The battle begins

He acknowledges the moment
Knowing he must win
Then the cost of goods going high
Bleed the people
He wants his share

He makes the wrong move
The Chinese will call it ‘damn’
On Chinese New Year he did
Showing no respect to cultural heritage

The rat will attack
In the sewers right up to his palatial home
There he will see
His tattered cloths blowing by the wind
p/s picture courtesy Mob's crib

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