Saturday, April 30, 2011

don't swear on deception

“I swear
On this day and time
I tell you the truth
It's the whole I say!”

The purveyors of gutter politics
It is for your own self greedy interests
What you say and what actions you take
You can't fool the people.....

Look inwards to your own
The skeletons rocking in the closets
Now one of you swear in the Holy Book
You think you want to tell us the truth?

Somewhere you will know
The dragnet you spin
One for all; all for one
It never happens

You have been tricked
You have no face to run
You go on with “I swear”
And the Lord will you give a earful

It's sad coming to this way
Swearing for something hasn't proven
Taking the Lord's name to win
You will pay for the disobedience

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