Friday, December 07, 2012

the hut by the beach

The temporary hut by the beach
With coconut leaves as roof top
The wind blew as it swept to the sea
The rustling sound singing with the wind

The beach boys stared to the sea
Watching the tourists dipping in the water
The sea sports a hive of activities
The beach boys just smoking away

They didn't wear shirts or tees
They enjoyed showing off their tanned bodies
Japanese and Caucasian women
They loved these dark brownish guys

When young women came along
They would hustle them to take the rides
On the beach of activities
They just wanted to earn a living

Some would score
The women they met in a day
The side benefits they derived
They forgot about HIV

Some suffered
For they forgot about precautions
The life just snuffed it out
The forgotten souls

But the beach boys
They would pursue their games
Of earning a living and the benefits
They lived the way to be free

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