Tuesday, November 25, 2014

the annual ghost stories

The annual ghost stories
Amno baru delegates will say
The web of faint shadows
They can't take it away

They always say
They are weak in many ways
They need protection
They need government funding

They keep singing
They can't let go of the benefits
Even 57 years of independence
They still want to fill up the basket

The forefathers agreed
It was for a short duration
It has been going on for decades
Harping on social contract

No documentary evidence exist
Of what is the social contract?
Nobody can find it
Only Amno baru singing

We are Malaysians
In this land of many opportunities
Why can't politicians wake up and see?
We aren't the enemies in our land

But Amno baru singing the classic song
We are moderates we are fair to all
We share the spoils of the land...
We give every one a fair deal”

The sub-contractors belting out rock and roll
Shaking the ground hitting the ceiling
Hitting hard on its drumbeats echoing in the waves
Every one listens crying out of the bad choice of association

Amno baru assembly
The shadows webbing it through
Capturing the souls telling them to behave
Talk like Malaysians not about a single race and benefits

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