Monday, May 04, 2015

don't give in to blackmailers

The blackmailers
They don't take one payment
Though they will say it is
But many will still fall for it

The victims will feel losing faces
Knowing if they don't pay to the blackmailers
They will lose their reputation and honour
So to keep it under wraps they pay

The bad hats will not give up
It is an easy way to collect cash
Don't inform the police
The consequences will be bad”

Once while living in Penang
I heard a story about a rich couple
They filmed their explicit exploits
Put on tape and kept in a safe

One day their house was robbed
The robbers carted away the safe
One day they received a call
They quickly paid about $100,000

They got back the tapes
But of duplicate tapes I hardly heard the news
So for the couple they believed they had the tapes
So they got to save their dignity

It is better to inform the police
Why worry about your face?
You dare to put on tape
So bear with it and save your money

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